How do I prepare for a reading?
Some people like to have questions cued up for their animal(s) and others like to sit back and see what their animals have to say. I like to remind people your animals aren’t coming to connect with me they’re coming to connect with you! How exciting! I encourage you to be willilng to have a conversation with me and your animals. How boring would it be if the person you asked to have a conversation with came to the table and said nothing!? Come with questions, topics, quirks you want to ask about, things you wish they knew - the sky is the limit here. These sessions are a chance for you to really get to understand the world from your animal’s point of view and I highly recommend taking advantage of that and coming into the sessions ready to have a two-way dialogue. However, all you truly need to bring is an open mind and an open heart.
What does a session look like?
Once you purchase a reading you will be sent a zoom link. I will ask you before the reading what your intentions are so it’s always good to sit with your animals and see if anything comes to mind you might want to know from or about them. Having a list of questions about their likes/dislikes, behaviors or habits are always a good place to start. Readings vary because animals are all so very different. Sometimes the readings are heartfelt and leave both myself and my client in tears, other readings are silly, funny and leave myself and my clients laughing. Animals are our teachers, so prepare to get some life advice you might not be expecting!
Can I work with more than 1 animal or species per session?
Of course! 15-minute session os ideal for one animal. A 30-minute session is typically enough time for two animals, if you plan to connect with more than two animals, I recommend a 45-minute session. Please see my offerings page for more information on this.
What time zone are your readings in?
All of my readings are in Eastern Standard Time. You have the option to change the time zone to see my schedule in your time when you book a session.
Can I work with animals both living and in spirit in the same session?
*Disclaimer: I am not a Veterinarian or Behaviorist. I am not a replacement for a Veterinarian or Behaviorist. Please always consult a professional for medical and behavior challenges.